What is Product Maintenance And How Can It Increase Your Organization’s Efficiency

Only when the product is in operation, the anomalies are disclosed, operating environments keep on changing and, new user requirements pop up.

This is where product maintenance process comes in.

What is Product Maintenance?

Product maintenance can be termed as the sum of activities that are needed to administer cost-effective support to a software system or an enterprise. These activities are executed during the pre-delivery stage as well as the post-delivery stage.

The pre-delivery activities consist of planning for the post-delivery operations that include but are not limited to supportability, and logistics determination.

On the other hand, post-delivery activities comprise of software modification, training, and operating a help desk.

How should Software Maintenance be done?

The initial software development can be learnt from the development effort put in by the programmers. Early involvement by the maintainer of the software helps the overall maintenance effort.

But what if the developers are no longer around or are available when a discrepancy arises? In a Software Maintenance process, one must take the products of the development, viz, code, documentation, and evolve or maintain them over the entire life cycle.

B. Swanson of UCLA was one of the pioneers who examined the process of what happens during evolution and maintenance. He used the empirical data from industry maintainers.
According to Swanson, studying the maintenance phase of the life cycle provides a better insight into the maintenance phase. He then created three different categories of maintenance: Corrective, Adaptive, and Perfective.

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is a model of maintenance which is a reactive modification of a software product. It is performed after the delivery in order to correct newly discovered problems.

Adaptive Maintenance

Adaptive maintenance is the modification of a software product which is performed after the delivery to keep a software product usable and adaptive in an already changed or dynamically changing environment.

Perfective maintenance

Perfective maintenance is the modification of a software product after the delivery which is done to improve the performance or maintainability of the delivered product.

How Software Maintenance helps an organization?

In most of the cases, the documentation pertaining to some specific software measures taken up by the organization is not published or made public.

One may find that only generic software engineering measures are used and in cases when the problem is very specific the maintainer determines which ones are appropriate for the organization.

Interestingly, there was a paper which suggested a list of software maintenance measures used at NASA’s Mission Operations Directorate. Even though one may think that the paper mostly contains astronomy specific terms and jargons, one thing is pretty important here: the general corrective, adaptive, and preventive measures still remain the same and resonate well with almost any industry.

Some of those maintenance processes include:

Software size
Software staffing
Maintenance request number/status
Computer resource utilization
Fault type distribution
Fault density
Software volatility
Software enhancement numbers/status
Discrepancy report open duration
Break/fix ratio
Software reliability
Design complexity

Product maintenance process is crucial to an organization, it cannot. The software life cycle is the cyclic series of phases through which a software system goes.

Improving the maturity of the product maintenance processes, software product developers and maintainers move from ad-hoc, ill-defined processes where success is largely a matter of chance towards a situation of predictable and repeatable project outcomes.

Imbibing a product maintenance process into the organization is as inevitable as the product itself.

why is my gmail not working?

If Gmail stops working, the user will be unable to access the emails. When a user enquires about why is my Gmail not working, then some fixes might work to resolve the issue. The list of fixes is mentioned below:

The reason of Gmail not working might be a compatibility issue. In this case, the user needs to check the browser compatibility. The browser, in which Gmail is being used, must be updated or should have the latest version.
The browser might be causing the issue as the extensions or plug-ins might be conflicting and not allowing the Gmail to load. To resolve the issue, a user can try disabling the extensions.
The user can try deleting the browser cache and cookies as it might be causing the issue and not allowing Gmail to work properly.
The user needs to check if Gmail status is down. In case, it is down, the user can only wait and keep checking if it has started working.
The browser might not be compatible with Gmail. So, user can try using another browser to check if the issue is with Gmail or the browser.
The user can try disabling the antivirus software as it might be blocking Gmail and not allowing the user to access Gmail.
When user has a query that why is my Gmail not loading, then the issue might get resolved by adjusting the privacy settings of the browser. The user can manually add Gmail to list of allowed websites.
If nothing works, the user can try uninstalling and reinstalling the browser as it might fix the issue. Sometimes, the software becomes corrupted and by reinstalling it, the issue might get resolved.

In case, there is still an issue or query, the technical support of Google can be contacted. To reach them, a user can try dialing the phone number, writing an email or using live chat support. To get in touch with them, the contact info provided on the Google website can be used.

Self-Pleasuring And Health: The Prostate Benefit

As almost any man could tell you (if he were to be honest), self-pleasuring is one of a guy’s most enjoyable activities. However, not so many men could tell you that there is a health benefit to the prostate that is associated with frequent and regular self-pleasuring. Since self-pleasuring can also benefit overall male organ health, the prostate advantage simply adds another incentive for a man to engage in this delightful activity.

Not just self-pleasuring
To be accurate, the health benefit to the prostate does not actually come from self-pleasuring; it comes from releasing seed. Therefore, partner sensual activity that results in a release of seed is also a perfectly acceptable way to upgrade one’s prostate health. So why isn’t the focus on partner sensual activity rather than self-pleasuring?

For two reasons, basically:

• One, the recommended number of releases may be as high as seven per week. While there are some men who are in relationships or situations in which five or more rounds of sensual activity each week is par for the course, there are many others who find their average number of weekly sensual encounters with partners falls below that level.

• Two, many men are not in a partner situation at all for long stretches of their lives. For these men, self-pleasuring is essentially the only regular dependable option.

The link between seed release and prostate health is supported by several studies, including one from 2003 and one from 2004. The first looked at more than 29,000 men and determined that those who released seed at least 21 times every month had a 33% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those with less frequent releases.

The second looked at about 300 men. Its findings were that those who released seed 4 to 7 times per week had a 36% reduced risk of developing prostate cancer.

Why should releasing seed frequently result in a healthier prostate? That question has not been definitively answered as of yet. However, it is theorized that frequent seed release may rid the prostate of agents that could be carcinogenic in nature; if left inside the prostate, they could spur the development of a tumor.

Wank with care
With this news, it may seem that a man might want to do nothing but spend all day pleasuring himself in order to ward off prostate cancer. While different men have different sensual drives, one should still exercise some caution and not go overboard in terms of frequency.

When a man subjects his junk to constant pounding, there’s bound to be some damage; even men who self-stimulate only occasionally often find themselves with a painfully sore tool due to over-aggressive or over-enthusiastic handling of the member.

A man needs to find the level of self-pleasuring activity that benefits his prostate health and still does not result in a member that is raw or has suffered nerve damage that impairs its ability to deliver sensations of pleasure. The tissue of the manhood is notoriously sensitive. It needs time to heal after it’s been given a rough going-over.

As mentioned, rawness and soreness can occur even if a man engages in self-pleasuring on only an occasional basis. Keeping the prostate healthy through self-pleasuring simply increases the chance that care will be needed to maintain manhood health. For that, regular use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advised. Rawness and soreness respond very well to a crème that features the combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). If rough handling has caused a loss of sensation, it’s advised to use a crème that includes a neuroprotective agent such as acetyl L-carnitine. This particular ingredient helps with peripheral nerve damage that can cause a deadening of sensation in the tool – something no man wants.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.