8 Prostate Cancer Treatment with Home Remedies that Work

This combination is considered to be a complementary therapy. And when home remedies are used instead of standard medical care it is considered to be an alternative therapy.

It is vital to discuss with your doctor before starting the home remedy as some of the medications’ effects may decrease with the current treatment. It is also important to consult with your doctor if you’re choosing to stop standard medical care over home remedies. Many home remedies may alleviate treatment’s side effects but none home remedy has been clinically proven to cure cancer. If you’re still choosing home remedy over standard medical care, you could be putting your life at risk of advancing prostate cancer which may be incurable.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms:

In early stages, prostate cancer may not show any signs or symptoms. But the advanced screening of prostate cancer may show the following signs and symptoms:

Screening involves the test that measures levels of PSA in the blood. High levels suggest that cancer cells may be present.

Bone Pain especially in the hips, thighs or shoulders
Blood in semen
Trouble urinating
Erectile dysfunction
Discomfort in the pelvic area
Decreased force in the flow of urine
A frequent urge to urinate especially at night
Painful urination
Weight loss
Swelling in the legs
Changes in bowel habits
Back pain
The estimated Prostate Cancer Treatment cost in India starts from 4 lakhs. The best prostate cancer hospital in India is Dharamshila Narayana super specialty hospital, kokilaben hospital in Mumbai, Fortis Hospital in Mumbai, and Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai. But still if you prefer to go for home remedies alongside the treatment or as an alternative to the medications, consider the following.

Changes in diet:

A change in diet involves adding lots of nutritional foods to your daily routine. These diets include vegetarian diets like adopting a plant based diet, juicing, following a low-fat diet, including antioxidants like cooked tomatoes, fish, berries, pomegranates, broccoli or green tea.

Overall research says that there is no direct link between a healthy diet and prostate cancer but consuming a healthier diet decreases your risk of developing primary or recurrent cancer. This may be due to healthier foods which is positively impacting cell progression, maintaining a healthy weight and hormone regulation. By loading up on the antioxidants, healthy fats and anti-inflammatory foods, you can keep your prostate healthy.

Dietary supplements:

Dietary supplements are similar in changing the diet and adapting to healthy eating. There may be some benefit of adding vitamins and minerals to your diet while your body is struggling to fight against cancer but there is no evidence that it will stop the growth of cancer. The studies by SELECT trial, has stopped the use of Vitamin E and selenium after which no benefit was found in these dietary supplements for prostate cancer.

Herbal supplements or plant extracts:

Herbal supplements may decrease the effectiveness of some cancer drugs. They may also have some side effects so it’s important to tell your provider before you start. The provider will be able to tell if it’s safe to use. Other plant extracts like saw palmetto may help treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which is the non-cancerous growth of prostate glands during the aging process. However, no evidence has shown that this plant can cure prostate cancer or help prevent this cancer. Turmeric and milk have shown some anticancer properties but neither does have a definitive correlation to decreasing prostate cancer risk or slowing down cancer cell growth. More research is required to show the relationship between dietary supplements and prostate cancer progression.

Essential oils:

Essential oils are extracted from aromatic plants. These oils can be either applied topically or inhaled via a diffuser or directly by an inhaler. There is as of now, no published evidence that these oils can cure cancer but it can be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, cancer-related symptoms such as vomiting and nausea, and some side effects of cancer treatment. These oils impact the brain sensory or emotional system and may have some pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oils are also used for massages.


Cannabis also known as marijuana contains cannabinoids. Some of these cannabinoids could have anti-cancer properties. However, these are used for cancer symptoms and treatments to side effect relief. The two FDA approved cannabinoid containing drugs- dronabinol and nabilone are indicated for the treatment of chemotherapy-related vomiting and nausea. They also help alleviate pain.

Prostate Cancer Treatment In India:

The treatment of Prostate Cancer in India will depend on the stage of the cancer. We have listed treatment options for each stage of prostate cancer that is generally recommended by the doctor or the team of experts, instead of home remedies.

Early Stage Prostate Cancer:


If the cancer is small and localized, the doctor may check PSA blood levels regularly but take no immediate action. As said above, the cancer grows slowly and the risk of side effects outweighs the immediate treatment.


A prostatectomy is one possible treatment for prostate cancer at an early stage. The doctor may remove the prostate gland using either open surgery or laparoscopic.

Radiation Therapy:

Brachytherapy: A doctor wll implant radioactive seeds in the prostate to deliver targeted radiation treatment.

Conformal radiation therapy: This therapy targets the specific area, minimizing the risk to the healthy tissue. Another type called intensity-modulated radiation therapy uses beams with variable intensity.

Advanced Prostate Cancer:

As cancer grows, it may spread throughout the body. If it spreads and comes back even after remission, the treatment option will change.


This may kill cancerous cells in the body but it also causes adverse side effects.

Hormonal Therapy:

Lupron is a kind of hormonal therapy used by the doctor to treat prostate cancer.

The treatment depends on various factors. Doctors will discuss and provide the best solution. Surgery is not recommended by doctors in the later stages as it doesn’t treat cancer that has spread throughout the body.

Although there are some new approaches that aims to treat prostate cancer without any side effects :

Cryotherapy is the use of very cold temperature that kills cancerous cells in the prostate. It avoids side effects.
High intensity focused ultrasound
After surgery, doctors will keep monitoring the PSA levels.

As such there is no exhaustive list of home remedies to cure prostate cancer. As mentioned above, it’s vital to talk with your doctor before trying any of these home remedies alongside your cancer treatment. Although a good nutritious diet and an active lifestyle can reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer and also slow its progression, treatment is a must.

Chronic Pain – There Is a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Constant pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks regardless of medicine or treatment is identified as chronic pain.

Chronic pain can also affect people living with:

joint inflammation
back pain
What is pain?

The mind and the nerves inside the spine (the spinal nerves) make up the sensory system. The spinal nerves convey messages from the body to the cerebrum to inform it what’s happening.

The mind demonstrates a control system working out from these messages on if it needs to do anything. It is simple to understand how the messages and the mind join together to shape up an alert system. It’s the mind’s understanding of this information from the alert system that results in the feeling of pain. However,the mind’s translation of these signs isn’t precise.

We think that pain should settle down with time but sometimes the cerebrum keeps on conveying pain signals. These signs can be difficult to stop. In every case, it is not that simple however it is important to understand that this pain is still “genuine”.

How regular is chronic pain?

chronic pain affects 1 of every 5 individuals. It can affect all ages and all parts of the body.

It is beyond imagination to expect to tell ahead of time whose pain will get permanent.

What to do about chronic pain?

There’s a ton you can do to support yourself and have a superior life even with chronic pain. Basic changes can frequently have a major effect on the handicap and healing.

To deal with your pain, you should seriously focus over:

Planning your day

Make a plan of activities and spots to assist you with keeping pain out of your head.

Finding a steady speed

Don’t push through the pain, stop before it destroys, then return to what you were doing later.

Figuring out how to relax

Relaxing can be hard when you have pain but finding something which loosens up you will lessen the pressure of pain.

Taking standard activity

Even a limited quantity will make you feel better and ease your pain. It will also keep your muscles and joints solid.

Communication with others

Tell your loved ones about chronic pain and why you have to do things in another way.


Doing things you appreciate supports your own common pain. Consider what you liked before the pain and bring it once again into your routine.

Take action and exercise

Being dynamic and taking exercises is a decent remedy for dealing pain. Knowing where to start can be difficult for many individuals with constant pain as they regularly think that it’s difficult to get things done on certain days more than others. Try not to be put off by the word ‘work out’ – any king of improvement is work out.

In any case, your muscles may hurt so it’s important that you pick a kind of exercise that suits you. Knowing out how to ‘pace’ your action and exercise can help. Above all else it needs to be something that you have interest in.

Walk to stay calm

This may start with a short walk or a stroll to the furthest limit of the road and back. A neighborhood park is also a decent alternative, particularly if it has seats for you to lay on en route.

Moving or moving to music

Moving or moving to music, either plunking down or standing up (or a blend of both), is an extraordinary method to work out.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve incitement (TENS)

A TENS machine is a simple method of blocking pain signals using self-fitted cushions to pass an electric flow through the skin. It’s somewhat similar to treating the sensitive part better or using a boiling water bottle to give comfort.

You can purchase TENS machines from medical specialists, grocery stores or on the internet. It’s cost starts from £9 for a basic machine. You shouldn’t have to spend more than £35 to get a machine with 2 kinds of cushions and a completely customizable heartbeat rate and width.

Benefits of TENS in chronic pain

Managing pressure and pain

At the point when the body feels under risk it produces pressure hormones that cause us to feel on edge and tense. The body considers pain to be a risk and when it’s tenacious or chronic, it can cause us to feel unwell.


Figuring out how to relax can assist with decreasing pain. Anything which makes you feel great, you appreciate, or gives you delight is a type of relaxing.

Side interests and exercises may have assumed a lower priority because of your pain, however, it merits considering how to return to doing things you like. Anything that makes you concentrate on things other than your pain is a decent type of self-service.

Get familiar with some relaxing procedures


Dealing with chronic pain handles all parts of your life affected by chronic pain – including your psychological prosperity.

Pain medicines

A pain killer can help with decreasing your pain and keep you moving. Now they won’t be successful at treating your pain and can cause reactions. Overall, it is not a permanent solution for your pain.

In case you’re taking medicines or have other medical issues, it’s essential to check with your medical specialist before taking any pain medicine prescription.

Medicine specialists are an incredible source of chronic pain and medicine.

Practicing in the pool

You don’t have to realize how to swim to have the option to practice in a pool. The lightness of the water makes us feel lighter.

Go for 10 to 15 minutes in the water in the first place. A slight improvement is ideal. If you don’t swim, take somebody with you and stay near the side. If you like it then do it.

Exercise classes

If you’d like to practice with others, you can get some answers from practice classes from your nearby sports place.

Exercise referral plans

Numerous social insurance experts can refer patients to exercise programs that have been designed to assist people with getting familiar with exercises.

Ask your general physician or any human services provider about projects accessible in your general area.

When would it be advisable for me to see my general physician?

In case you’re still in pain following 12 weeks, address your general physician if you haven’t felt better as such. Your general physician will have the option to tell you the best plan for dealing with your pain.

Chronic pain in the muscles and joints can make life hopeless. Standard ways like ice and heat, physical therapy, and proper exercises can frequently ease the pain. In any case, when they don’t, trigger point therapy is a choice with a good clinic like Maxwell Medical.

Throughout the years there have been generous discussions about whether trigger point therapy truly works for chronic pain. Research from a worldwide group of specialists adds to the proof that it gives genuine help from normal types of pain. The group pooled the aftereffects of 30 findings including almost thousands of members. Some had trigger point therapy, some had “hoax” trigger point therapy, and some didn’t have therapy of any kind of type. Generally speaking, trigger point therapy decreases pain by about half.

The research is not the final word on the issue, however, it is well compared to other quality examinations to date and has established a connection.

Can my physical therapist help?

Your physical therapist will work with you to instruct you on chronic pain, find answers to improve your personal satisfaction, and make you move once more!

Not every kind of chronic pain is similar. Your specialist will assess your clinical results and test outcomes and form an individualized treatment plan that fits you best.

What physical therapy includes it?

Training to improve your insight and understanding of chronic pain- how it happens and what can be done. Your physical therapist will tell you how to deal with your pain and help you with moving in the direction of playing out your ordinary daily tasks.

Your specialist will plan a program of exercises for you – improvements that are step by step increased depending upon your capacities. Exercises help you in improving your coordination, decreasing anxiety and your pain.

Manual treatment, which comprises explicit, delicate, hands-on methods that might be used to control or activate tight joint structures and delicate tissues. Manual treatment is used to build development (scope of movement), improve the nature of the tissues, and diminish pain.

Posture mindfulness and body mechanics guidance to help improve your posture and development. This preparation empowers you to use your body more proficiently while doing exercises and if, when you are resting. Your specialist will help you with changing your development at work, or when performing tasks or recreational exercises, to decrease your pain and increase your capacity to work.

The usage of ice, or heat has not been seen as accommodating with chronic agony. Your physical therapist, in any case, will decide whether any of these therapies could benefit your one of a kind condition.

Appealing a Denial of Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Have you applied for Social Security Disability benefits and been denied? Did you know that the majority of applications are initially rejected even though many of those claims support disability?

If your initial claim has been denied, you still may have a good shot at attaining disability benefits.

In Michigan, your first appeal after your initial denial is to the Office of Disability Adjudication & Review. To appeal the initial denial, you must complete a hearing appeal request (form SSA 501) and an appeal disability report form (form SSA 3441). After you submit the appropriate documents, you will receive a notice of acknowledgement. It may take anywhere from 2 to 12 months (or more) before you receive a letter confirming the date and location of your hearing.

Before the hearing, you may need to supplement your claim with more written evidence, including reports from any additional medical assessments that would help develop the record. As such, it is very important that you continue to get regular treatment from a medical doctor for your disabilities.

During the hearing, you will be asked questions about your medical conditions, about your past jobs, work skills and education, and about your daily activities. If needed, medical or vocational experts may also testify or provide information at the hearing. Of course, your attorney can question any witnesses that provide information to the judge.

After evidence is presented, the judge will make a ruling based on all of the information in your case. If the judge denies your appeal, you can file a subsequent petition to the Social Security’s Appeals Council, which is responsible for reviewing these decisions. After a rejection on this final administrative level before the Social Security Administration, the next step is to file a lawsuit in a federal District Court. The District Court decision is also appealable to the appropriate U.S. Court of Appeals and then the U.S. Supreme Court, although few cases reach this level.

As you can see, the entire application process can be exhaustive. So many steps are involved, and if you are not meticulous with each appeal, your case could be denied. Nevertheless, you should fight for your benefits. According to the Social Security Disability Resource Center, hearings are successful more than 60 percent of the time when representation is present. While every case is different, why would you not seek experienced representation? Therefore, if you are interested in receiving benefits, you may want to speak to a knowledgeable Social Security Disability attorney.

Article provided by Babut Law Offices, PLLC
Visit us at www.babutlawssd.com